Hello one and all , i am back and ready to roll again. Gunna be posting loads of awesome stuff on here and it’s gunna be way more interesting.

Mortal Instruments Review

ImageFirst of i just want to say that this is an amazing movie 5 stars.

The first thing that i loved about this movie was the emotion felt realistic it felt like If you where to be put in that scene you would be feeling that emotion it didn’t seem acted emotion, it seemed real.

The second thing i loved was the demons. The demons in this are actually something to be feared, they are not silly cgi monsters they actually look quite terrifying. And when you see the “human” reveal it is a demon (because demon can take any shape) it is freaky. Another i liked linked to the demons that they managed to throw in a creepy girl.Image

This movie has every type of movie thrown into one and it actually works, it has action love horror fantasy etc.

If you didn’t like the love story and the rubbish vampires of twilight this is for you first of the love isn’t mushy and rubbish it is truly love in this movie everyone has someone that cares for them. The love story in this movie is hidden at the start but as you get more into this movie the love progresses. This movie by far has shown the best way of depicting love. Also the vampire and wear wolfs in this movie don’t sparkle and don’t rip there t-shirt of, they burn and just transform.

The last thing i’d like to say about this movie is that Jamie Campbell is brilliant in this movie he doesn’t just look good but his acting is brilliant. Well Done Jamie you are my new person to fan girl about.Image

Doctor who The impossible girl

I just watched the last episode of doctor who :O I nearly cried *Warning spoilers*

When Clara steps into the The doctors time it became so obvious.  But i have one question who is That man? SO MANY RIDDLES DOCTOR WHO! Now i will have to research this for about an HOUR! Introducing John hurt. :p ImageBut seriously this is the best Doctor Who episode i have ever seen and if you where reading this hoping for lots of juicy spoilers you where wrong So go watch it and i hope you enjoy it and not cry like i nearly did… What are you waiting for go watch it!


Answer phone

What’s yours ? Comment down below i love creative and funny ones. Hey if you want the best one i will post a video of me putting as my answer phone. I love this little mix song, its perfect for a answer phone.

April fools jokes.

April fools was yesterday and some people have been April fooling people. Google introduced Google nose and   they had Google maps replaced with a pirate map. Also Twitter has announced, in an almost plausible spoof, that it will now be charging tweeters to use vowels. Consonants are free, and in addition, the social network explains, it will always offer Y for nothing, even when it is used as a vowel. That’s led some users to believe they can outwit Twitter http://blog.twitter.com/2013/03/annncng-twttr.html
Even Youtube joined in on the the fun telling people that the website will be shut down yesterday at midnight. Telling people that Youtube was a video competition. My favorite part of april fools is how many people believe in some jokes. 

I might have no life.

Well i now have twitter and apparently i have no life anymore ? well anyway i am a bit strange especially how i now some Simlish ( Sim language). I have seen some of the Sims 3 expansion packs and they look so cool. A couple days ago i went to a gymnastics competition and it went well…. Our school A team  won! I’m really happy. Anyway this post is going to be quite short but oh well, and hi to my first follower !

Justin beaver

Sorry for this but i have to talk about jb,but thankfully not for good reasons. Well im not sure if you heard about him turning up two hours late to a concert,but everyone was angry and they started booing and i dont blame them. But thats not the worst thing, he said he is never coming back to england again?!??!? What do you expect jb? Im sorry but he gets on my nerves he sings bad and he is unpuctual and just to damn stupid. A while back people said that jb be was smoking drugs an everyone was cutting to make him stop.?!??? To be honest i bet you h just wants attention, he is a pre madonna an im glad he isnt coming back to england i dont want to hear his rubbish music any more or his mistreatment either. Well bye for now and like if u agree or dislike if u dont. Ta tah for now.

Long trip

Im gong home afyer going to a party 3 hours away and ubforunatly my sisters ill and i realpy dont want to catch it because when i puke it feels like theres warm acid in my mouth and i hate it plus when i puke i force puke so its like it shoots out an… Oh sorry tmi. Well im quite bored but oh well and there goes my signal again oh and now its back. Im tired ,when i get home my rooms going to be a ill free zone,after my last ilness experience im now a germaphobe and to be stuck in a car with a ill person for three hours is like a arachnaphobe ( scared of  spiders) being stuck in  room with lots of spiders or a person whos clostraphobic (sorry about bad spelling) being shoved into a box. So every five minutes im wiping my hands so i dont catch anything. Bye for now.

Freaky thoughts

I jist thought of something weird. What if you where living another life but you saw something else? For example imagine in one world you was talking to somone and they said do you like cheese? But in another world they said do you like bannanas but im both worlds you said yes. Confused? Well dont worry i will explain it on a video soon.